
Prioritizing patient voices: Insights from AXS24

At Envision Pharma Group, we believe that patient voices are essential to healthcare decision-making. We are excited to feature an insightful interview with two of our leaders, Jasmine Patel, Senior Principal of Patient Advocacy, and Jessica Krauser, Marketing Advisor and Founder of 5kforJK, who shared their perspectives on the critical role of patient advocacy in drug development and coverage. 

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In their recent session at AXS24, Jasmine and Jessica emphasized the importance of integrating patient voices early and continuously in the drug development process. They discussed the value of collaboration between manufacturers, payers, and patient advocacy groups to address unmet needs, generate real-world evidence, and overcome coverage barriers.

“Patients have unique needs and health goals. It's crucial to prioritize their voices in all aspects of healthcare decision-making.” – Jasmine Patel

“Incorporating patient insights from the beginning ensures that treatments are aligned with real-world challenges and patient lifestyles.” – Jessica Krauser

Read the full interview in Population Health Learning Network's First Managed Care issue to learn more about how we are working to bring patient perspectives to the forefront of healthcare innovation.

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